To all our members impacted by the storm, we’re here to help. 
    Please call the Member Service Center at 800-688-7228 so we can work together to find the best solutions for you. And for members who need assistance with your Manufactured Home loan, please call our team of MH specialists at 866-310-2143 to discuss available options.

    Courtesy Pay Disclosure


    With Courtesy Pay, Credit Human may in its discretion approve your reasonable overdrafts if you maintain your checking account in good standing. An overdraft occurs when your account does not have sufficient available funds to pay an item presented for payment, such as a check, debit card transaction or ACH debit, but we pay the item anyway. We are not obligated to pay any item presented for payment if your account does not contain sufficient collected available funds.

    There is a $25 Courtesy Pay handling fee charged for each overdraft item paid, which fee is added to the amount advanced by Credit Human to pay the overdraft item. This amount is due and payable upon demand. If there is an overdraft paid by us on an account with more than one owner on the signature card, each owner and the agent if applicable, shall be jointly and severally liable for such overdraft including all fee amounts.

    We may refuse to pay an overdraft for you at any time, even though we have previously paid overdrafts for you. You will be notified by mail of any items that were either paid or returned unpaid due to insufficient available funds in your account. However, we have no obligation to notify you before we pay or return any such item.

    Courtesy Pay may be discontinued if you default on any Credit Human loan or other obligation to Credit Human, your account becomes subject to any legal or administrative order or levy, or you fail to maintain your account in good standing by not bringing your account to a positive balance within the 44 days for a minimum of one business day.

    Courtesy Pay Limitations and Eligibility Requirements:

    Available on checking accounts only. Savings accounts, public fund/charitable organization accounts, certain trust accounts, deceased member accounts, and any accounts for individuals under the age of 18 are not eligible for this service. Members with the following conditions on their account(s) are temporarily ineligible for Courtesy Pay but may become eligible once the condition(s) are removed: Past due on any Credit Human loan of more than 31 days, charged-off Credit Human loan, Credit Human accounts with a negative balance for more than 44 days; accounts with levies, garnishments or bankruptcies.